Friday, October 25, 2013

Kids Do have a Tendency to Grow

In the small town where most of the Shan in the Burmese Refugee Project come from, there are almost no educational opportunities, and very few of the parents can read or write in any language. As the Burmese Refugee Project comes up on its 14th year anniversary, their kids have moved from the Rainbow School to Thai Schools (and in some cases private high schools) and then off to college. It has been an amazing journey for all of us.

Pictured. Jab in the upper right as a pre-teen and center below is planning on studying Business Chinese with Nuan at Mae Fah Luang University next year. Taworn as a child in the upper left and left below is one of the top 4 math students in his class and is planning on going to a prestigious university in Bangkok next year, though he doesn't know which one yet.

The Rainbow School consisted of some fallen trees that were used as makeshift desks. There was a chalkboard, but no walls. Now, the same kids we taught so long ago are excelling in math, business, Chinese, computer science, and electronics.

Pictured. Nuan is larger than life in the center of the main courtyard at Mae Fah Luang University, where she will soon be entering the second term of her freshman year.